Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Menopause: When it all started!

I have been going thru menopause for a couple of years now. It hasn't been an easy road but I do the best I can. I remember the first thing was the hot flashes. Boy aren't those fun! Then came being more emotional. About a year ago I started having panic attacks and at first those scared me.

Menopause can be scary if you don't know what is coming. There are many signs of menopause. So I hope that by sharing my story and things I have tried will help someone and to give out as much information about menopause as I can.

Yes, I still get hot flashes alot. Especially at night. They get so bad that I wake up several times and it seems like I can't get back to sleep. I am drenched in sweat and have to change my clothes. Each day the bedding has to be changed. I shower at night and then again in the morning. But I guess it is just part of the process. When I am at my day job I sometimes get a panic attack. I have to go to the large walk in fridge or ask to go on break. So far no problems but they sure are a pain.

I think I have learned how to control my panic attacks some. I just try and remember that they will pass and that I am ok.

Also about 4 years ago my daughter,Connie, had to have a hysterectomy. She had a full one done. Ovaries and all were taken out. She is on hormones and seems to be doing pretty good. She doesn't get the panic attacks like I do but gets all the other symptoms.

Please remember that being menopausal isn't a bad thing and with a good understanding and patients you will get through it.

Well please join me here again tomorrow for more of my story and thanks for stopping by


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